
Quality care though diverse learning!
Welcome to your online classroom. Take a guided tour of our classroom. Learn more about our meal plan, and special activity’s today.

Currently have an opening for Part time / Full time starting July 2024.
Drop -In always Welcome!
Waitlist and Payment information below.
Please fill out the contact form below for more information. We have a free consultation, and have a small application fee. We currently are have 1 spot to offer or waitlist.
We currently except subsidy programs to help pay for childcare Hivley, and 4C's as payment for care as well. Just click the link green link above to apply.

Meet our Staff
(Photo #1 and 3) OakTown Daycare CEO and Lead Teacher Ms.Brittany has 15 years teaching. As a entrepreneur and Teacher she has opened multiple successful businesses. She has been leading her own classroom since 2016 with infants and toddlers. Ms. Brittany has been Bay Area native for most of her life and enjoys giving back to community in her spare time. As a mother she loves spending time with her daughter, when she is not working with little love bugs.
(Photo #2 and 4) Ms. A has been teaching and leading art and hands on projects with children for the better half of a decade. Ms. A has a wonderful Art education that she leads in class, making hand painted masterpieces with toddlers and infants. She loves making every lesson she plans memorable for the student and family as she documents your learners growth with art. Ms. A is an amazing teacher, having interactive circle times with the students to keep them fully engaged.
Take a photo guided tour!
Our Classroom is set up in Montessori fashion. We believe in structured environments helping to scaffold learning. We have a delightful array of items that are cycled and exchanged for new materials monthly to help keep learning fun and interesting! To see our classroom in person CLICK the button at the top right book and appointment. This allows you to book a zoom appointment or in person appointment to see facility and talk to CEO!

OakTown Class Activities :
Schedule Features are:
Plant Cycle with Ms. B (gardening)
Art with Ms. A
Baby Sign Daily
Swim lesson start (added cost)
Affirmations daily
Free play
Infant / Toddler early introduction to lessons in:
Primary colors
Animals and their sounds
Feelings / Emotional Regulation Training
Monthly Cultural Celebrations
Organic Daily Meals (added cost)
Potty Training (added cost)
Language with Ms. Rachel

Day In the Life
I was asked to do a day in the life of a childcare provider. This is not my normal content but was super fun to do. I really liked being able to show off my classroom to people who want to know more. My students are really smart! We have had most of them since 5 or 6 months, and we are very excited to show you what they can do. Most of our children use baby sign to show us what they need. Baby Sign helps to limit fall outs and have better communication over all in the classroom. I start my day very early and do split - shift with my co teacher who you will see in the video (Ms.A and Ms. Ray). Our students are on a timed schedule to help regulate the class day and sleep routine.