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MD Review
Child and Teacher Interaction Observation by Psychologist
“I have never encountered a more impressive and dedicated child development and daycare director. She has a clinical understanding of childhood psychology, audiological concerns, speech and language hallmarks, interpersonal and social behavior in infants through childhood.” Dr. Austin Heafey, Psy.D
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

"My toddler can sign and talk and falls out less than other toddlers her age."
"We know that they are in great hands when they are with Ms. A and Ms. B."
“Communication in sign has helped us to bond more and have better quality time.”
Write a Review for OakTown Daycare
OakTown Daycare has a
Open Door policy!
OakTown welcomes feedback from parents at all times. OakTown daycare runs on honesty and communication as it's core value. We can not properly take care of your love bug with out this understanding. It is vital to us that you share any concerns or issues. We would like to respond and resolve in a timely manner. We at OakTown care about the full family daycare experience! Please leave any concerns you may have.
With love and good intent,
OakTown Daycare CEO

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